Land Use, Zoning, Government Relations Law

Land Use, Zoning, Government Relations Law

DMHD attorneys address issues and develop opportunities for both the public and private sectors in the areas of land use, zoning, incentives, and procurement. Our team has mastered the technical and procedural aspects of regulatory and administrative policy and can provide clients with a unique perspective and intimate knowledge of local, state and federal government. We represent large-scale developers, contractors, non-profits, and quasi-governmental organizations throughout the state of Florida.

Land Use and Zoning

DMHD’s team guides development projects through all phases of securing entitlements, including

  • Zoning
  • Land Use changes
  • Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs)
  • Development agreements
  • Concurrency
  • Impact fees
  • Mobility fees and permitting

We are adept at identifying, preparing and securing the necessary permits for land use and zoning, including:

  • Certificates of appropriateness
  • Zoning modifications including planned unit developments (PUDs)
  • Administrative deviations
  • Exceptions and variances
  • Negotiating with governmental agencies regarding land development and environmental regulations

Our public and private clients include large landowners, developers (commercial, industrial, residential and mixed-use), builders, governmental organizations, utility companies, business owners and corporations of any size.

State and Local Incentives

DMHD offers comprehensive counseling to developers and businesses seeking state and local grants, tax abatements, REV grants and other economic incentives. We are experienced in negotiating and structuring economic incentives packages with state and local governments that maximize the benefits to our clients. We have secured economic incentives for public and private companies of all sizes.


DMHD attorneys are experienced in counseling our clients on compliance with procurement procedures of federal, state, county and local governments, as well as local and regional administrative agencies. We provide counsel regarding all stages of the procurement process including:

  • Competitive bidding
  • Sole-source procurement
  • Responding to requests for information (RFIs)
  • Requests for proposals (RFPs)
  • Submission of proposals
  • Invitations to negotiate